Linebacker Manny Lawson checked in to update everybody on this week's trip to Buffalo, and his Thanksgiving meal. Here's a short excerpt, but you'll have to join Manny over on 49ersfaithful.net to get the full story! **My sister is coming for Christmas, and she will be borrowing my room. Since she has a job now, she can afford to kick in some rent, but since she's family and all, I'll give her a fair rental rate. If you all recall, my sister has a way of taking over my room whether I like it or not.
I bought a video game for us to play while she is here. Instead of us going to Dave and. Busters and wasting a lot of coins for her trying to prove she doesn't have two left feet, I picked up Dance Revolution. So, I can laugh at her in the comforts of my own home.