Check out pregame photos from the Week 6 matchup between San Francisco and Washington.

- Over the course of the season, we will feature a select photo from each game taken by a member of the San Francisco 49ers photography staff in our "Worth 1,000 Words" series.*
Week 6 vs. Washington Redskins: Fourth Quarter

Shot by: Terrell Lloyd, Senior Manager of Photography Services
Subject: Pierre Garçon
Location: FedEx Field
Lloyd:"Sunshine finally broke through the late afternoon overcast sky after halftime in Washington, and D.C. had some nice light. Carlos came out on the field as the light was shining off his face giving him a little highlight and shadows.
"There was something about this moment that tells a story. Carlos had already scored a series of touchdowns. He was playing hard, and the 49ers were coming back in the game. The momentum was shifting. I picked this image because you can't 'pose' this one up. It's one of those 'moment in time' things. I'm always looking for a photo when there's no action going on. I'm looking at what's going on during a timeout - fans, players, coaches standing on the side. When Carlos stepped out to the field and that light him, I was like 'Oh, I've got to get that photo'. And It made for a great portrait."
Lloyd has served as the lead photographer of the San Francisco 49ers since 1996.