Get to know more about defensive tackle Joe Cohen with this two-minute drill!
Q: When you think back on the BCS Championship game that you won while at the University of Florida, what comes to mind?
A: There's a lot I could say about it. I was blessed to be there. We went there for a reason - that was to show everybody who really was No. 1 – and that's what we did. We were the better team, even though the odds and the so-called experts were against us.
Q: What is something that you're awful at?
A: Singing.
Q: What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
A: I don't have any embarrassing moments. I do embarrass myself sometimes. I'm goofy, so it's hard to embarrass me.
Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

A: Spain.
Q: What was the first thing you bought with an NFL paycheck?
A: My truck. I have some 26's on it and a concert (loud music) in the back of my trunk.
Q: Who was your favorite pro sports franchise growing up?
A: Chicago Bulls. I was big Michael Jordan fan. At the time I didn't even play basketball, I just admired how he played. He would put it all on the line with one shot.
Q: What was your favorite subject in school growing up?
A: Math.
Q: Who was your first celebrity crush?
A: Jennifer Lopez.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Martin, there were so many different characters that he played.
Q: What is your favorite activity to do with your daughter?
A: Probably wrestle and play box. I try to teach her how to defend herself. I just like to sit back and watch her. Sometimes she puts on a dancing show.
Q: What is something about you that would surprise your teammates?
A: I have a huge movie collection. I have everything from Disney to Action. I'll watch anything.
Q: What word best describes you?
A: Laid-back.
Q: What is your favorite kind of pizza?
A: Meat Lover's from Pizza Hut.
Q: What is your favorite Holliday?
A: Thanksgiving, because you get to eat all the food from your grandma, mom and aunt. My aunt makes pies, my grandma makes collard greens and my mom makes macaroni and cheese.