**Q: Your son Jianni was born

last season. What's the best part about being a father**?
A: You get to see your kid grow, you get to see them start crawling and then start walking. They start throwing things and now he's beating on his chest.
Q: What was your best and worst subject while you were in school?
A: My worst subject would be math, my best was spelling.
Q: Who was your favorite teacher?
A: Her name was Ms. Lytle. She taught me when I was in fifth grade. She always stayed on you. She brought in treats if you did good. If I did good that week in my work, I would get to eat cookies, chips and stuff like that.
Q: What were you like as a student? Did you ever get in trouble?
A: Yeah, unfortunately, I got in trouble in school. Everything from throwing pencils, writing on the desks and cutting other kids' clothes.
Q: Did you have a favorite cartoon show when you were a kid?
A: I watched The Smurfs all of the time.
Q: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
A: I have four sisters and two brothers.
Q: What was your least favorite chore growing up?
A: Pretty much cleaning up the entire house.
**Q: What was your room

decorated like when you were little? **
A: The walls were navy blue and sky blue, I had a nice bed and I had a few posters up.
Q: Growing up, what was your favorite thing to do back in the summer?
A: Going swimming at the recreational pool. I used to jump off the diving board and do everything, cartwheels, back-flips, pretty much everything.
Q: What was your first job?
A: When I was in the ninth grade, I worked security at a local elementary school, breaking up fights, checking out everything and making sure nothing was going on. Ironic considering I once was the kid getting in trouble.
Q: What other sports did you play when you were younger?
A: Soccer, basketball, track and baseball.
Q: What was your favorite and least food when you were little?
A: My least favorite was shellfish. My favorite was pizza.