
Thank you for sending in your questions for free safety Dashon Goldson. We selected a few and caught up with Goldson to get his answers.Q: Hey Dashon, not only are your stats way up this year, but just watching you it seems like you're involved in every play whether it bea pass or run, is it the starting spot that gave you the confidence to be more aggressive or is it because of the learning and maturation process? Keep it up! -Bryce**
A: It's more because I've matured. Out on the field, I'm seeing things slower than I did when I first got here. With time, I've been able to pick up things much faster. And that's enabled me to play much faster.
Q: Dashon, you are one of my favorite and in my opinionone of the most underrated players in the NFL. Since you have been on the 49ers the last three years, I was wondering if there is adifference in the locker room and around the organization than in the past? -t-macattack
A: Yeah, I think there is a difference. I think there is more chemistry than in the past. The guys all know what coach Singletary is preaching and believe in his idea that we're all a family. Guys have bought into it and it's helped us grow together as a team.
Q: Hi Dashon, I have a silly question, but I've wondered this for years and maybe you can shed some light.... Why do someplayers, usually receivers and corners, wear sweat bands just over the elbows? What purpose do they serve or are they just a fashionstatement? Thanks, Karen Artt.

A: It doesn't really have a purpose; it's just a part of some people's style. Some people just like to look good on the field. They like to be stylish. As a player, you might want to wear different color shoe strings in your shoes, you might wear different kinds of socks – a lot of those things are just done for style reasons. It's just a form of expression.
Q: Dashon, I am 12 and my brother is 14. I play running back, safety, backup QB, WR, and outside linebacker. My brother plays safety, running back, tailback, WR, and sometimes QB. We are both huge football fans!! We would like to know what it is like to play in the NFL, and how do you feel before games? Are you nervous or scared or really excited? How do you prepare for a game? -Thank you!! Hope you have a great season! Isiah and Trei Thomas
A: Scared? I'm never scared. I don't really get nervous anymore, but I used to. I think that's the best thing about being a veteran, I don't get nervous. I'm anxious more than anything. I'm anxious to get out on the field and help my team win.
How I prepare for the games, is practicing hard every week. I also watch a lot of film and study my playbook. I don't really have a routine like some players, I just don't believe in that stuff. I just like to play football.
Q: Dashon, I attended your game in Phoenix against the Cardinals. On yourway to the locker room after the game you were so kind to give me yourgame gloves. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time toacknowledge the fans. I teach history at an economically disadvantagedhigh school in southern New Mexico. The following day I took thegloves you gave me to show my students. To say the least, my student'swere amazed. Each and every one of my students tried on your gamegloves and commented that you had huge hands. I thought that wasfunny. I wish I could explain in words the joy you brought to mystudents. I even heard one of them say, "I wore a NFL Players Gloves." I just wanted to say "Thank You Mr. Goldson." Good Luck This Season, Emanuel Burciaga
A: I appreciate that a lot Emanuel, you're welcome! Anytime I can do something like that for somebody, it's always a great feeling. I throw my gloves into the crowd after every game and I especially try to throw them to the kids. I'm glad you were able to share the gloves with your class, because that makes me feel good about sharing them with fans after every game.
Q: Hey Dashon, I really like what I see with the defense this year and I'm looking forward to watching you play for years to come, especially the way you hit! I feel that Greg Manusky's defense will definitely move up the NFL ranking charts this year as well as have a big role in making a run for a playoff berth.I see more and more 49ers Defensive Fans sporting the "Greg Manusky Goatee". That's what a Defensive Coach should look like and it looks good on him (that's what my wife said :) Tell him not to shave it. Good luck to you all and God Bless. -John "Rican" Alvarez
A: Could I tell him not to shave it? I don't think we have to worry about that. That's Manusky's look. He's always had that goatee. If he cuts it, it grows back in like two days, so he's always had it. But I'll let him know that fans don't want him to cut it and that they are starting to pick up on its popularity. We're lucky he has the facial hair because he's easy to pick up on the sidelines. You can't miss the handle-bar mustache and his one-of-a-kind intensity.
Q: Hey Dashon! What's your favorite thing about playing in the NFL? -Ryan in San Francisco
A: Playing out there with my teammates and competing is the best part of it. Battling a whole different team each week and putting the game plan together and seeing how it works. Really the competition is what I love the most; I love the whole competing aspect of it is the best part.