Throughout the summer, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has asked fans to post pictures of themselves performing his signature move in exotic locations around the globe. Now on the cusp of fall and the start of the regular season, Niners Daily brings you some of the best spots where the Faithful have visited.
Colin Kaepernick's signature touchdown celebration has reached new heights...literally. Share your photos with #KaepernickingWorldwide.

- India
#Kaepernicking worldwide… RT @ArlisBarba: Kaepernickin' at the Taj @Kaepernick7 @49ers — San Francisco 49ers (@49ers) July 10, 2014
2. Aruba

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3. Australia

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4. Brazil

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5. Canada

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6. Chile

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7. Czech Republic

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8. Colombia

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9. El Salvador

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10. England

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11. France

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12. Germany

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13. Greece

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14. Ireland

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15. Italy

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16. Japan

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17. Jordan

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18. Lebanon

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19. Mexico

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20. Portugal

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21. Russia

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22. South Africa

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23. Spain

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24. Saint Lucia

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25. Vietnam